Asset Management

Acquire, Improve, Manage, Sell

Local Management for Foreign Owners

Our team has experience assisting with Foreign Investment Review Board applications and the establishment of trusts and ownership structures. We can help you own and effectively control property from anywhere in the world.  

AFSL Custody and Registry

Your assets may require an AFSL or Australian Financial Services License to operate within a wholesale or retail managed investment scheme. Our team can arrange a promoting licensee, trustee service, custodian and investment manager. 

Real property asset management

We use market data, economic indicators, empirical research and local knowledge to identify trends and provide the best asset management advice. 

Why us?

We can manage tricky stakeholders

If it were simple, you would have done it already. Our team has the capacity and experience to help manage the more complex and nuanced property arrangements. We know how to identify and engage key stakeholders including those within and external to the property ownership group.  

We love technology

"I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it"

Bill Gates

We determine highest and best use

Our team and a strong network of experts can help determine the best use for your assets. We can work with Local and State (Territory) government contacts in Tourism, Investment Attraction, Study and Commerce to create a tailored recommendation rather than just appoint an agent.

We are a customer

We manage our own group assets and issue funds for retail and wholesale investors. Our services to you are tested everyday by our own teams and companies.

  The detail

Administration Services Available

• Attending to correspondence;
• Convening and conducting required Annual and or Special General Meetings;
• Convening and conducting Committee meetings as frequently as required;
• Arranging maintenance, repair and replacement of the common property;
• Preparing and serving notices, including Notices of Meetings, Circulars and Levying Maintenance Contributions;
• Lodging of all insurance claims and follow-up on the progress of claims;
• Assisting in the handling of complaints;
• General advice and assistance to the Owners Corporation; and
• Keeping records of the Owners Corporation and archiving files.

• Preparing annual budgets and levies for the owners corporation (or Committee) approval;
• Monitoring of all invoices for payments, confirm that they have been authorised and are consistent with quotations;
• Ensuring all amounts owing and owed by the Owners Corporation are paid on due dates;
• Preparing statements of financial performance and financial position on a GST inclusive basis from the date of assumption of management;
• Collecting maintenance contributions, receipts and attending to all banking requirements; and
• Keeping Books of Account and preparing necessary Statements of Account.

  • Maintaining and updating rolls of owners names, addresses and contact details;
  • Preparing of Owners Corporation certificates;
  • Ensuring proper, adequate and most competitive insurances are affected and promptly renewed;
  • Enforcing rules relating to the common property;
  • Advising the Owners Corporation and Committee on matters of procedure and management;
  • To arbitrate disputes between Owners; and
  • To amend or include rules and by-laws considered necessary for the wellbeing of the Owners Corporation.

Get in Touch About Our Services

Craig Wright

Craig is an experienced sales development manager and executive with a diverse background in sales, marketing, and property development. He excels in driving revenue growth, building strong relationships with partners, and delivering exceptional results through innovative strategies and a customer-centric approach.