Self Managed Superannuation Fund

Expert Administration and Advice when you need it

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Stay in control and get help when you need it

You probably chose a Self Managed Superannuation Fund to give you more control over your investments. Now and again, there is a question your accountant isn't allowed to answer and a financial adviser managing an SMSF takes the "Self" out of Self Managed Super. Our offer combines high-quality operational accounting with general advice and continual monitoring to keep you on the right path. 

You remain in control but with TIP Wealth's SMSF offer, professionals have your back.

Trucks parked together

SMSF Administration

Industry best practices, smart platforms and qualified staff deliver a reliable and consistent administration service, including annual preparations of accounts ensuring compliance with Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations (SIS), coordinating of fund's audit, and fund establishment and wind up. 

Boats in the harbour at night


Our group offers a range of wholesale and retail investments that can complement your existing strategy.

Few pieces of gold

Monitoring and Advice

Our team can monitor your accounts and contributions and provide advice relating to tax, estate planning, pensions and more.

 Transfer your SMSF to us today

Speak with our team

We will work together to understand what is important to you and how our team can help you make the most of your retirement savings.

Choose your services

 Our services offer is modular. We can provide record keeping and lodgement or a  service with ongoing supervision or an advised solution with regular strategic meetings with our team. You choose.

Transfer your records

 Getting started is easy. Once we have tailored solution for you we will contact your existing provider to transfer records and code your accounts into our system.


Our team will make managing the compliance and trustee obligations of your SMSF easy. You can choose to maintain full control or ask our team to take on more of the work. Typically as our clients age they prefer to keep their fund but ask for more assistance. We can work with you no matter what you need.

Work with us

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