It’s how we invest that makes us different
Your investment options
These funds are open to wholesale or sophisticated investors and those who otherwise meet the definition of an eligible investor as defined in the Information Memorandum.
Conscious Investor Fund
Outstanding world companies growing year after year.
Property Fund
Contribute to an inclusive and sustainable future for all Australians.
FS Opportunity Fund
Improve the wellbeing of more Australians by investing in the most promising financial services businesses led by the next generation
Corinthian Balanced Fund
A fund designed explicitly for not-for-profits and charities
Apply to join 600+ active, high net worth members benefiting from each other's wealth of experience.

Got questions about Teaminvest or our funds
Simply complete your details below and a member of our team will be in contact with you.
What our members say:
Ed Coppe
“I’m a better investor…and my returns have been better as well”
Irene Swil
“We’d been to several financial planners and our results have far exceeded the returns they got”
Greg Montague
“Some of the things you learn from other members are extremely valuable”