How we create our company reports

The analysis in our reports is compiled from 600+ self-directed High-Net-Worth individuals, who use the Conscious Investor software and adopt the principles of Warren Buffett’s investment style to self-direct their own investments. Unlike most analyst and investment advisors, Teaminvest Members Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is, and their personal wealth is heavily invested in the very few selected companies which meet the investment filters of the Conscious Investor software.   

Teaminvest provides Company Reviews for the limited number of companies which meet the Conscious Investor software’s investment filters. Teaminvest members are collectively amongst the largest investors of these companies. They know that investing with sound principles and a solid investment philosophy whilst taking only calculated and limited risks is much simpler than so called experts make it out to be.   

Teaminvest starts with our proprietary software, Conscious Investor®, which filters the ASX to identify the best performing companies based on financial metrics championed by Warren Buffett. This software scans over 2,000 businesses listed on the ASX, leaving us with just a handful of stocks that possess the hallmarks of profitable Wealth Winners®.  

From this short list, members workshop each prospective stock, analysing the company’s business model and how it makes its money. Factors considered include executive remuneration, whether there is sufficient ‘skin in the game’ and the likelihood of future growth.  

If the company passes this rigorous analysis, Teaminvest then invite senior management to participate in a Q&A session with members. Only then, do members consider our required rate of return and the share price needed to achieve it.  

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