The Conscious Investor Fund

Outstanding world companies growing year after year.

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This fund is open to wholesale or sophisticated investors and those who otherwise meet the definition of an eligible investor as defined in the Information Memorandum.

Fund Summary

The Conscious Investor ® Fund provides long-term value by investing in outstanding listed Australian and International companies: Growth with Peace of Mind.

Bottom line performance is important but more important is the protection of capital. The Fund will never take any action that might improve the bottom line if it would risk your capital.

Stock markets fluctuate so it is inevitable that there will be periods when there are negative returns.​

The Capital Allocation Team chooses companies that are least likely affected by such negative periods. It then verifies this.​

Looking at rolling three-month periods starting each month, over the past 5 years the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index lost money 19 times. For 84% of those times, the fund members lost less money or actually made money.

Specifically, the average loss of the index for the 19 losing three-month periods was -3.39%. In contrast, over these same periods, the Fund lost an average of -0.25%.

Protect your capital

Warren Buffet has often said that the first two rules of investing are: 

Rule 1: Don't lose money. 

Rule 2: See Rule 1. 

We agree, and we hope you do too.

Picture of two business people talking with an Ipad

How we add value

Investing in brilliance

We scour the world looking for outstanding companies run by exceptional management, selling at sensible prices; companies to provide secure and attractive returns for our members year after year.

Global brands

Major investments in Interbrand's global strongest brands.

Global investments

Australia represents only 2% of world markets: our members are invested in world markets, particularly the US, not just Australia.

International tailwind themes

We invest in companies that are part of international tailwind themes such as: the move to a cashless society, deep data analysis and artificial intelligence, consequences of an ageing population and increased healthcare demands.

Fastest growing

Major investments in Fortune global fastest growing companies.

Cutting-edge number crunching

Conscious Investor® continually scans world markets for outstanding opportunities using proprietary calculations.

Quality of lives and society

Along with durable competitive strengths, exceptional management, high returns on equity and selling at sensible prices, the Fund focuses on companies that improve quality of lives of users and society as a whole: noble purpose.

Growth year after year

Growing earnings likely to continue year after year.

Capital protection.

Companies shown to resist market downturns.


Updated 31 Aug 2024

12 months (p.a) ​                          14.72%

3 years (p.a) ​                                       7.05%

5 years (p.a)                                          12.80%

Since Inception                                   242.37%

Compound Annual Return          11.29%


*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

Conscious Investor Fund Unit Price

Asset Allocation


Using Conscious Investor®, the Fund scans 1000s of companies looking for the best of the best. These companies are thoroughly examined individually to test whether they are suitable investments: we want outstanding investments in each sector. We particularly focus on sectors within broad themes with strong tailwinds in today’s world such as health maintenance and care, automation and exploitation of routine tasks, and the move to a cashless society with efficient financial data management.

Invest with us

Information Memorandum 

Application Form for Individuals

Fund Summary 

*This fund is open to wholesale or sophisticated investors and those who otherwise meet the definition of an eligible investor as defined in the Information Memorandum.

These classifications are defined in the Corporations Act, 2001 and typically prohibit investors who intend to invest less than $500,000 unless their accountant is able to certify their net worth exceeds $2.5million AUD.

Those who do not qualify may wish to review our retail investment offer which is open to all Australian Investors.

Contact us 

Frequently Asked Questions

We have a membership focus with a fixed monthly subscription fee. 

Not just a number, our investors are Members of the Fund with regular information, reports and newsletters. We take seriously that Members entrust their money with us. No matter how much you invest, the monthly Membership Subscription is fixed at $450.

No joining fees or fees based on funds under management FUM: we only make money when our Members make money. The Success Fee means we focus on achieving a high return, not just on ‘beating the market’. The Fee is 20% of the excess above an annual return of 6%.

Members receive reports on the largest holdings in the Fund covering strategy, success drivers, moats and risks.

We start by filtering 1000s of companies around the world using rigorous tests within proprietary software Conscious Investor®.

The filters ensure that we focus on companies with strong and stable growth in sales and profits.

Companies must have consistently high return on equity with limited debt; any debt must be used responsibly. The filters are based on the principles and ideas of Warren Buffett, the world’s greatest investor.

Since 2000 an Australian Conscious Investor® research portfolio returned 18%pa; similarly for the USA.

The Fund is not interested in risky startups or hopeful turnarounds: we only consider established companies with clear positions in their markets.

Companies must be like castles fending off competitors, attracting customers, and relentlessly strengthening their moats. All businesses have risks: the TeamInvest approach ensures that these risks are understood, quantified and allowed for.

We check management incentives are aligned with what would benefit shareholders, not just themselves.

The Fund chooses companies that are already highly profitable with a clear path to even higher earnings in the future.